Corporate Policy on Forced and Child Labor

1. Introduction
Labrie Group is committed to upholding the highest standards of ethical conduct and social responsibility in all aspects of our operations, including our global supply chain. We recognize the fundamental human rights of all individuals and are dedicated to ensuring that our business practices align with international standards and relevant legislation, including Section 211 (S211) of the Canadian Criminal Code, which prohibits forced labor and child labor.
2. Prohibition of Forced Labor
Labrie Group strictly prohibits the use of forced labor in any form, including but not limited to slavery, human trafficking, debt bondage, and involuntary prison labor. We uphold the principle that all employment must be voluntary, and workers must have the freedom to leave their employment at any time without penalty or coercion.
3. Prohibition of Child Labor
Labrie Group prohibits the employment of individuals under the legal minimum age for work as defined by applicable laws and regulations or under the age of 15, whichever is higher. We are committed to ensuring that no child labor is used in any stage of our operations or supply chain. Furthermore, we recognize the importance of protecting young workers aged 15 to 18 by providing appropriate working conditions and adhering to relevant labor standards.
4. Due Diligence and Supplier Requirements
Labrie Group will conduct due diligence to identify and assess risks of forced labor and child labor within our operations and supply chain. This includes evaluating suppliers and subcontractors to ensure compliance with our policies and applicable laws. Suppliers will be required to certify that they do not engage in forced labor or child labor and to provide evidence of compliance upon request.
5. Remediation and Accountability
If forced labor or child labor is identified within our operations or supply chain, Labrie Group will take immediate corrective action, including but not limited to terminating relationships with non-compliant suppliers, providing remediation for affected workers, and reporting violations to relevant authorities. All employees are encouraged to report any concerns related to forced labor or child labor through our whistleblower mechanism without fear of retaliation.
6. Training and Awareness
Labrie Group is committed to raising awareness among employees and stakeholders about the risks of forced labor and child labor and their responsibilities in upholding this policy. Training programs will be developed and implemented to ensure that employees understand the importance of compliance and know how to identify and address potential violations.
7. Compliance Monitoring and Reporting
Labrie Group will regularly monitor compliance with this policy through internal audits, supplier assessments, and other appropriate mechanisms. Compliance with this policy will be included in performance evaluations, and progress will be reported regularly to senior management and the Board of Directors.
8. Conclusion
Labrie Group is dedicated to promoting ethical business practices and protecting human rights throughout our operations and supply chain. By adhering to this policy, we demonstrate our commitment to combating forced labor and child labor and contributing to a more just and sustainable world.
This policy provides a comprehensive framework for addressing forced labor and child labor in accordance with Canadian law and international standards. It reflects Labrie Group’s commitment to upholding human rights and ethical business practices.
To report a violation to this policy please contact us on our website or via mail at :
Labrie Environmental Group
175-B Rte Marie-Victorin,
Levis, Qc, Canada, G7A 2T3
Michael Eastabrook
President and CEO
Ref.: Access the 2023 Forced Child Labor Rapport – Labrie Environmental Group ULC
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